
The context contains the data (state) from previous steps.

Passing data between steps

The context holds all the data from previously executed steps. They are accessible by Context.GetX(key interface{}) functions:

When you want to share some data between steps, use the Context.Set(key, value interface{}) function

// in the first step
ctx.Set(name{}, "John")

// in the second step
val, err := ctx.GetString(name{})
fmt.Printf("Hi %s\n", val) // prints "Hi John"

When the data is not provided, the whole test will fail.

Predefined keys

The context holds current test state testing.T. It is accessible by calling Context.Get(TestingTKey{}). This is useful if you need access to the test state from scenario or step hooks.

It is also possible to access references to current feature and scenario by calling Context.Get(FeatureNameKey{}) and Context.Get(ScenarioNameKey{}) respectively.

value, err := ctx.Get(FeatureKey{})
feature, ok := value.(*msgs.GherkinDocument_Feature)
value, err := ctx.Get(ScenarioKey{})
scenario, ok := value.(*msgs.GherkinDocument_Feature_Scenario)

Good practices

It’s a good practice to use custom structs as keys instead of strings or any built-in types to avoid collisions between steps using context.